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26 February 2018

StCYM: Soul Training I (25 FEB 18)

Yesterday we began our soul training for this Lenten season. We discussed getting back to basics. We watched a video of Marine recruits during their first hours of Basic Training. They didn’t have freedom, they were stripped of their hair and personality, and they were beginning a reprograming. To train a recruit in the military that recruit has to go back to the basics. Even the psyche of the recruit is retrained. During Lent it is a good time to get back to the basics of our spiritual lives and perhaps even reset ourselves.

In order to get back to the basics, we chose 24 topics to discuss over the next few weeks using Life Teen’s “100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know” as a guide. To discuss these topics, we will dig into the Scriptures and catechism. We began our journey discussing how we take our faith seriously (“God’s not playin’ games”), whether Christ rose from the dead (“Did Jesus really rise from the dead?”), and the death penalty. We incorporated current events such as seeing people fall from their faith and the recent Florida school shooting.

When it comes to being serious, being a witness is a key way to be serious for Christ. Answering our call to love those who are hardest to love (like the school shooter) or entering a frightening situation with courage are powerful ways to display our seriousness for the Gospel. Regarding the validity of the resurrection, we discovered the historic accounts outside of Sacred Scripture about Jesus. Knowing the truth of the resurrection should embolden us to live lives for Christ. We also discussed the death penalty and what the Church teaches regarding state sanctioned executions. We discovered that the Church actually teaches that it should be only used as a last resort when protect the public is impossible. It turns out that in our society it is possible, and so we should find ways to eliminate it.

Next week we will continue our journey through Lent as partake in Soul Training: On the Edge. We will discuss what it means to be on the edge by analyzing minimalism, risk taking, and near occasions of sin. Following the training session, we will continue our catechesis by discussing more of the topics we chose. I pray your Lenten journey continues well and that your relationship with our Lord continues to grow.
