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14 November 2017

StCYM: Called to Community

Sunday was only our third Sunday Night Session since I started back in September. It is crazy how time flies. In between our second and third SNS we visited the Cathedral; carved pumpkins; and went on a hayride and had a campfire. We are continuing to act in community. It is really amazing to see the participation increase as time goes on. This is a sign that we are growing comfortable with each other. I look forward to what lies ahead.

The topic of the night was community. We started off the night playing Catch Phrase, which is always fun. It is a game that tests our communication skills and level of understanding. The game is verbal charades in a sense. The goal of the game is to describe a word (given on the screen) to your teammates without using that word. This game is fun and intense as it is a race against time.

After completing this intense game we enjoyed time together learning about community. We began with looking at the early Christians in scripture. We discussed Acts 2:43-47 where Luke tells us how the early Christians would live in self sacrifice for the benefit of the community. We also discussed Hebrews 10:24-25 where the author encourages us to be committed to the assembly. There is indeed no better way to build relationship than through person to person contact, which happens when we are physically present in the assembly (digital presence is also not nearly as good as physical presence).

We concluded the night by discussing what the teens needed out of the community. It was encouraging to experience the openness of the group to share what they needed, even though the needs, struggles, and wants were anonymous. Following this discussion we closed in prayer in which we shared our prayer intentions.

I certainly am blessed to have been called to journey with this group of teens and their parents. The National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis is going to be an amazing pilgrimage. God is going to be felt and is going to speak to thousands of teens (and chaperones). Veni Sancte Spiritus!



More readings on community:
Matthew 18:15-20
Romans 12:3-8
Galatians 6:1-10
1 Thessalonians 5:12-22


Deus providebit! Credo Domine!

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