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04 December 2017

StCYM: NCYC Reflection Day 1

As we enter the season of Advent, I figured this would be a good time to share my personal reflections on the National Catholic Youth Conference that we participated in a few weeks ago. This reflection will be about day one.

Reflection on NCYC Day 1                                                                                                   18NOV17

- I was a bit timid early on because I did not know what to expect and how the teens would respond.
- Day one was long, but a great start to this pilgrimage. [Chris Stefanick] pressed into us the importance of whose we are versus who we are. We are God's beloved through Christ filled with the Holy Spirit!
- If there is ever a weekend of consolation it's one where I am joined by 25,000 fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Tears of joy where very much a part of day one.
- The joyful tears came when God was so close. When I reflected on my vocation, the pattern continued. There was an overwhelming draw toward the priesthood.

- I also reflected on ADHD. God does not give up because of our crosses. God uses them! God is good!

Credo Domine!

The last time I was at an event with this many Catholics was at Mother Teresa's canonization (there were many more Catholics there than at NCYC). It was great to, once again, feel the energy of so many people. I was so moved during the praise portion that I entered into a deep state of prayer. I was amazed at how I was able to enter this state in the middle of the loud music and praise. I am grateful for this ability since I had struggled entering into solid prayer leading up to NCYC.

It is easy to prepare for Christ when you have 25,000 screaming teens around you who are on fire for our Lord. The hard part is taking that energy with you when you go. The Holy Spirit is ready to fill us with that same energy even now! Let us be more open to Him.


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