I am very grateful to God for the direction StCYM is moving. I am seeing teens step up and take ownership of their faith and encouraging their peers to do the same. This continued during our eighth grader open house last night. Two of the freshman gave a brief talk on their transition from eighth grade to ninth grade. The group also discussed what StCYM does and what its purpose is. It was amazing to see the teens take charge.
Last night we had a full house. We began the night in prayer and transitioned into our group sessions. I divided the group in two. One would stay downstairs while the other went upstairs. One group talked about the transition from middle school to high school, while the other group discussed what happens at StCYM and what people would want to see happen. After 15 minutes or so we switched. Following the group sessions we transitioned into game time! We had teens playing on the Wii and, the classic, Scattergories. The game room was also filled with teens playing Foosball, table tennis, and air hockey. It was a night of great energy. The food was great too.
I am excited to see where this goes. It was great to see the eighth graders and the first timers that were invited. Our next eighth grader open house is scheduled for 20 May. If it is anything like last night, it will be an amazing one too. We have great things planned here at StCYM and the Holy Spirit is very much at work in all of it. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. It means a lot to us as we continue to journey on the narrow path.
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