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13 January 2014

January is Pro-Life Month

This is a very heated topic. I have come across few people that don't have a stand on either side of the abortion issue. Abortion is the ending of a human growing inside the womb of a mother. Abortion really is that simple, it really is simply killing a person. People throw all kinds of solutions at the abortion problem, and some don't think it is a problem, "It's my life, my body; I should decide whether the baby lives or dies." I want to go over a two things regarding this abortion epidemic, yes, epidemic.

1. It is a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.
The pro-abortion crowd loves the word choice, and makes an emotional attachment to it. They are quick to criticize pro-lifers and claim that their belief is oppressive and dangerous to society. They are quick to label it "draconian", "backwards", "1950s", etc., attempting to connect with the emotions of a person, particularly women. "Be a strong woman and proclaim your right to your body!" they shout.

What about the baby? Does the baby get a choice? No. When the defense of abortion is that it's the women's body, this makes it seem that the pro-abortion crowd doesn't know biology. It is absolutely clear that there are two beings involved in a pregnancy, the mother and the child. "But it's a parasite!" No, it is not a parasite. To be a parasite, the baby would have to be of another species, with differing DNA, etc. A fetus is not a different species. The fetus has DNA from the mother and the father. It is human DNA, it is a human being.

This pro-choice mantra is a lie. It does not look at the living human inside of the mother's womb. If there was a choice, certainly the child should have a part of it. It obviously can't, therefore abortion is less of a choice as it is an order. And who has the right to murder someone? Where in the constitution does it state that we have the freedom to kill an innocent person? It doesn't.

And what about the father? We often forget that there is a third party in a pregnancy, the father. This may be due to the growing amount of single mother out there. Even so, this should not diminish the role a father has during a pregnancy. He should also be involved, but even so, with a choice as big as life itself it should be a unanimous decision. And again, since the child cannot choose, this choice is not a choice mutually agreed to, it is an order for the child to die.

2. We need to teach safe sex in schools.
This is an even messier topic. The adolescent years are critical in terms of human development. Part of this time is the discovery that one is a sexual being. This is the time we discover new things regarding ourselves, and the natural human tendency is to experiment and discover more. Therefore, teaching about sex is important in schools. Letting teenagers roam around in ignorance is not good for them, nor society as a whole.

When it comes to teaching sex in school however, it is important to also teach the importance of it and not just the fact that it exists. Teaching that, "sex is biological, sex happens, here's a condom" does absolutely nothing for the student except for adding fuel to an already growing fire. If we limit sex ed to "safe sex is good sex" are we actually accomplishing anything? Does the student learn anything? Yes, the student learns that he or she can do it whenever with no consequence.

"We'll teach them about STDs/STIs then!" This, again is avoiding a very important component to sex; the psychological part. It is obvious that our minds respond to sex. It is not just a feel good physical activity. There are various brain chemicals and emotions involved. Why do people get so attached to their "first love"? It is because sex is more than a physical activity.

The best form of sex ed should include the emotions tied to sex. This would be a better service to our teens. Abstinence should also be taught in our schools. The safest sex is no sex. "But sex is good!" Yes sex is absolutely amazing when you come to appreciate its true beauty and purpose. Contraception is a bandage. It does nothing. If anything it increases the chances of a person become pregnant and get an STD/STI. The more partners and sex a person has, regardless of contraception use, the better their chance of becoming pregnant and becoming infected.

At this point you may be asking, "Why is he including a discussion on sex ed and contraception in his discussion on abortion?" The true way to prevent unplanned pregnancies and ultimately lower the amount of abortions is to teach what sex really is.  Students need to know what the primary function of sex is procreation. At the end of the day, when you take away the psychological and the artificial, the primary purpose of sex is procreation. Period. This is undeniable. "But it feels good!" Yes, this is why there is more to it than simply procreation. My argument on abstinence and sex within marriage is not that sex doesn't feel good, on the contrary, sex is a physical and psychological (the feel good) bond between two people. Sex does not attract us to another person physically, but also mentally. This needs to be stressed in schools.

So why those two things? When a person accepts the fact that there are three players in a pregnancy and all should have a say, this person should realize that if one of the players cannot make a choice, then it isn't a choice. The choice is also not in what happens after sex, the choice is whether or not one should have it in the first place. Abortion cannot be solved by the bandage of contraception. Sex is deeper than a mere recreational activity, as much as secular culture (and some protestant cultures) deny this. If true sex ed is taught, there will be a societal shift away from the sexual revolution. People will make smarter decisions regarding sex. When sex is truly understood, when the consequences are clear, abortions will naturally decrease. Contraception perpetuates the problem. It does not decrease it. Check out this campaign video by ChurchMilitant.TV.

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