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13 April 2016

Throwback Thursday: Sermon on Mark 4:35-42

While I was a prospective Lutheran seminarian and as a Lutheran seminarian, I was given opportunities to preach at my former church. I would be lying if these moments did not have a large impact on my faith journey. In this second Throwback Thursday post, I would like to share my sermon on Mark 4:35-42. I believe the reason I recorded the rehearsal was, because the table I used last time would be used by the bell choir. My sermon outline is at the bottom.

Credo Domine


Sermon on Mark 4:35-41 (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)

-        - Water is the most powerful force in nature (good and bad)
-       -  Water is also most powerful natural element spiritually (Baptism)
-       -  Water is still very significant in today’s cultures (lead into points from Mark)

Main Points from Mark:
-        - Water has significance in Hebrew culture
-        - God can control the water (Job 38:8-11)
-        - Disciples were shocked that Jesus has the power to control the water (Psalm 107:28-30)
-        - Although Jesus was with them a storm still arose
-        - Disciples approached Jesus in an unfaithful way
-        - What do we do when a storm forms in our lives?
-        - How do we approach Jesus during these storms?
-        - We must be faithful and trust in the Lord

Main Points from 2 Corinthians:
-        - Do not accept God’s grace in vain
-        - God listen’s to us at the proper time and saves us accordingly
-        - The strength of a Christian has been displayed in many ways

-        - We should open our hearts to the Good News

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