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21 May 2018

StCYM: The Holy Spirit and Living (20 MAY 18)

This week the Church begins her celebration of The Holy Spirit. Pentecost is a season where we reflect on the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit fills us with various gifts (wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord) that aid us in living fruitful lives for the glory of God. The same Spirit that entered the disciples on Pentecost fills us today! When we really reflect on that we will be amazed.

At SNS this week we enjoyed the lives God gave us. We welcomed the 8th graders and played basketball and had a couple relays. We glorified God by using the bodies He gave us to have fun, increase our physical fitness,  and most importantly grow closer to each other through sport. It was a great time. My knees actually aren't dead this time around (praise God for knee sleeves!).

Recently, I have been reflecting on how to live life. Some people think that living a holy and pious life means perpetual time in prayer. While time in prayer is indeed vital to a thriving spiritual life, we are not called to ignore life's leisure either. This is something I have to remind myself. God does not want us to be miserable. If you find joy in a certain activity that is moral and beneficial, by all means pursue it with joy. Living life can be a form of perpetual prayer. Being the best versions of ourselves glorifies God. This includes our leisure time!

So, enjoy your leisure time and do not feel guilty for doing so.



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